Timothy Morton will commence their Resident Faculty Artist Lecture on Friday, July 19, 8:30 PM at Skowhegan’s Campus in Madison, Maine.
The Barbara Lee Lectures Series have been a core part of Skowhegan summers and the school’s pedagogical framework. An intangible legacy connected to the idea of transference of knowledge and mutual learning. Since 1952, these lectures have been recorded and collected within the Skowhegan Lecture Archive, an extraordinary trove of artists’ voices captured in the uniquely intimate setting of campus.
You can always contact us at mail@skowheganart.org if you have any questions. Assistive listening devices are available if you call to reserve a headset at least 24 hours prior to the lecture.
Learn more about Timothy Morton below:
Timothy Morton is Rita Shea Guffey Chair in English at Rice University and Director of the Cool America Foundation. Morton is the author of Hell: In Search of a Christian Ecology; over 20 other books, translated 46 times into 19 languages; and 300 essays. In 2014 Morton gave the Wellek Lectures in Theory at UC Irvine. Morton has collaborated with Laurie Anderson, Björk, Jennifer Walshe, Susan Kucera, Hrafnhildur Arnadottir, Adam McKay, Jeff Bridges, Olafur Eliasson and Pharrell Williams. In 2019 Morton’s opera Time Time Time was performed around Europe. In 2018 Morton curated art exhibitions on their book Hyperobjects in Barcelona and Marfa, Texas. Morton has been featured in The New Yorker, The Guardian, Vice and Wired.