A place for our alumni and faculty to connect. From off-campus programs at our New York office (and beyond) to virtual meet-ups, and even open calls—find out how and where we’re gathering and ways to stay connected.
Skowhegan Database
Explore Skowhegan’s 75+ year history and community of over 5,000 alumni, faculty, trustees, and governors by searching the People Database.
Learn who stepped foot onto campus, or if you’re an alum, click below to update your information.
Alumni & Faculty News
Click below to see what events and happenings Alumni and Faculty are up to around the globe.
We are in the process of building a new website and exploring ways to share Alumni and Faculty news in the future. More soon!
Please stay tuned and please stay in touch.
If you have any questions about Alumni and Faculty news, please email mail@skowheganart.org.
Skowhegan is thrilled to invite Alumni and Faculty to listen to the complete Lecture Archive online.
As a part of an ongoing effort, Skowhegan has digitized the collection and made lectures available online. Whether you listened to the lectures on reels-to-reels, cassettes, CDs or an iPod, or did not have the opportunity to listen on campus at all, we want to ensure the collection’s digital format remains a source of inspiration and information as you develop new connections with this unique material.
Click below to sign up for an Artstor account and access the Lecture Archive.
Skowhegan Lecture Archive
Skowhegan Alliance
The Skowhegan Alliance is a diverse group of alumni who generate off-campus programming. Drawing from open-call solicitations to alumni and faculty, and generally curated via group consensus, the projects have a democratic approach that aligns with Skowhegan’s inclusive, non-hierarchical campus culture, and create opportunities for unlikely encounters between artists of different generations, backgrounds, and practices. Many participating artists meet for the first time, others re-kindle friendships, still others reconnect with Skowhegan for the first time in decades. Most projects take place in New York and are free and open to the public.
For questions and inquiries, contact alliance@skowheganart.org.
List Updated 9/12/2024
Christian Amaya Garcia (A ‘23)
Jesus Benavente (A ‘12)
Claudia Bitran (A ‘14)
Haley Bueschlen (A ‘15)
Ally Caple (A ‘19)
Annette Cyr (A ‘76, ‘21)
Chelsea Flowers (A ‘22)
Cameron Granger (A ‘17)
Danny Greenberg (A ‘18)
Eleanor Kipping (A ‘18)
Adam Milner (A ‘18)
Joiri Minaya (A ‘13)
Bryson Rand (A ‘19)
Birgit Rathsmann (A ‘04)
Edua Restrepo Castaño (A ‘13)
Becky Sellinger (A ‘12)
Rebecca Shippee (A ‘18)